Dear graduates of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs!

For the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the next graduation of graduates is the main event of each academic year, and in the year of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence - a significant one.

I sincerely congratulate you on the successful completion of your studies and receiving your first officer rank!

This day marks the beginning of a new phase in your life. You have revealed your talents, found your life's work, got a profession by vocation. Let the knowledge you gained during education give you a sense of confidence to perform the tasks in the bodies and departments of the National Police of Ukraine.

It is so arranged in life that the time of study passes quickly. It would seem that you have recently stepped on the threshold of a higher education institution, very recently there was a cadet life full of joyful impressions and small sorrows, and now - graduation.

From now on, you are the hope and support not only for your families but also for the whole Ukrainian society. Today new horizons of life open before you. I hope that during your studies you have strengthened your awareness of your life choices.

May the vocation to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, to fight crime, to maintain public safety and order remain unchanged throughout life. Remember, people's trust is the best assessment of your work.

Be worthy of the high title of a graduate of a higher education institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine! May the honor of an officer be above all in your life! Always be an example of discipline and demandingness, patriotism and dedication.

Serve and protect!

State Secretary of
the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine