Rector Valerii Sokurenko together with vice-rectors, deans of faculties, heads of structural subdivisions inspected the territory of the university before the registration of entrants. Starting from July 10, entrants from all over Ukraine will come to the university. The management staff inspected checkpoints, places for registration, auditoriums. Instruction was provided to the employees who will register entrants, sports grounds where young people will take an exam on physical fitness were inspected, the issues of organization and arrangement of recreation areas for entrants and their parents during the admission campaign were discussed. According to Valerii Sokurenko, "it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for people so that the admission campaign was transparent, organized, coordinated, objective, in compliance with the law, quarantine and health requirements."

After touring the territory, the first vice-rector of the university Dmytro Shvets held a working meeting with representatives of structural units, during which the organizational issues of the admission campaign were discussed.

We remind you that the registration of candidates for studying by state order (cadets) will begin on July 11, 2021, at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs from 8.00 am. Gathering at the checkpoint № 2.

Under quarantine conditions, entrants without protective masks and with a fever above 37.2 C and/or with signs of respiratory diseases will not be admitted to the university.

From 12 to 16 July 2021 there will be an exam in physical fitness and creative competition.