The short film "Fly", made by the participants of the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took first place in the International Short Video Competition EU Neighbors' day - together for a common future within the ENACTED project - "The European Union and its neighborhood. Network for Enhancing EU Participation on the Eastern Borders ", funded by the European Union.

The screenwriter, director of the film, as well as the author of the poem, which is the basis of the film, was the head of the School of Scientific Leadership, a master's student Vitalii Naida. Installation and technical support were provided by Kateryna Horbatyuk, a participant of the School of Scientific Leadership, a first-year cadet of the Faculty № 1. The main roles of the film were played by active participants of the School of Vladyslav Baler and Polina Suslova.

Works from Romania, Hungary, Poland, Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine were presented at the international competition. The participants tried to reveal one of the proposed topics in the language of cinema: "The importance of friendship among citizens and neighbors of the EU", "Unity in diversity". "The power of tolerance and understanding of cultural diversity", "The importance of cooperation in strengthening peace in the EU", "Democracy and citizenship in the EU".

In their short film "Fly", the team of the School of Scientific Leadership conveyed the essence of the European Union as a little girl's dream. My dream is to see the world and discover new opportunities for development. The image of the girl conveys the main mission of the European Union - to unite different countries for a common future. Together, with the help of international mobility programs, young people can realize their dreams, gain new knowledge and return to their home countries with European values in their hearts and souls.