Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" announces a competition to fill vacant positions of research and teaching staff:




Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training


Professor - 1

Professor, supported by a special fund - 0.25

Associate Professor - 2

Associate Professor, supported by the special fund - 1

Senior Lecturer - 3

Senior Lecturer, supported by the special fund - 5

Lecturer - 1

Lecturer, supported by the special fund - 1


Persons who have a complete higher education and whose professional qualifications meet the requirements established for research and teaching staff by the laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", the conditions of the announced competition, and the Procedure for competitive selection when filling vacancies in research and teaching staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (hereinafter - the Procedure) have the right to participate in the competition.

Persons wishing to participate in the competition personally submit to the department of human resources of the university (or send by mail) an application for admission to the competition, written in their own handwriting and the documents specified in the Procedure.

Applications and documents for participation in the competition are accepted until August 20, 2021.

Contact telephones (057) 73-98-204; 73-98-317; 73-98-196.

Address: 61080, Kharkiv, 27 L. Landau avenue.

Competition commission