The representative of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, responsible for gender issues, candidate of economic sciences Maryna Petchenko took part in a series of trainings: “Leadership. Modern society requirements”, “Gender. Gender-oriented budgeting introduction”, “Anti-corruption. Detection and counteraction of corruption at the local level”. The event was organized by the mobile school of women's anti-corruption activism “AntiKa” of the public organization “Kremenchuk Anti-Corruption Center” with the grant support of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED).

The project aims to make the public aware of the benefits of women's political participation in decision-making at all levels of government and opens up the possibility of using anti-corruption mechanisms to build intersectoral networks of women leaders to ensure sustainable development.

After completing the training cycles, a certificate was received. The acquired knowledge and skills will be implemented during the organization and conduct of scientific and gender activities that will be held at the college.