Kateryna Sharavar, a 1st-year cadet of the Faculty №1 of the School of Scientific Leadership, took part in an archeological expedition in Kalashnyky village of Poltava region. According to the results of the excavations, the sites of the Chernyakhiv culture were discovered (III - beginning of the 5th century AD).  Remains of utensils and other household items were found on the site of the ancient settlement.

 According to Kateryna, it was interesting not only the process of excavations but also life in the field - tents, cooking, socializing in the evening by the fire, holding thematic competitions, and more.  Participation in archeological expeditions, according to Kateryna, is informative and useful, because it enriches new practical skills, teaches an active lifestyle, teamwork, strengthens willpower, endurance, communication.  All these qualities are important for future law enforcement officers.