Two thousand officers will undergo special training and will serve in the united territorial communities throughout Ukraine. This was announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denys Monastyrskyi on July 29 during the Joint Meeting of the Presidium of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine and the National Reform Council.
Denys Monastyrskyi stressed that strengthening security in territorial communities is a priority issue for the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
"The key project is the Community Police Officer, who currently operates in 368 communities. There, efficiency and trust in officers reach over 70%. In the nearest future, we plan to extend this project to almost a thousand united territorial communities, training up to two thousand police officers for this purpose,"said the Minister of Internal Affairs.
Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs called on the participants of the congress to take an active part in the joint development of an effective security environment for communities.
Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs