2nd and 3rd year students of the Faculty № 6, KhNUIA took part in the international meeting of future lawyers, which took place in the Regional Center for Free Secondary Legal Aid in Luhansk and Kharkiv regions, organized by the international organization for law students ELSA.
Students interacted with STEP interns studying at universities in France, England and Georgia and had internships at the Regional Center for Free Secondary Legal
Aid in Luhansk and Kharkiv regions.
The participants of the meeting discussed the forms of gaining practical experience during training, the advantages of professional specialization, shared the
peculiarities of the legal practice origin, stressed the importance of obtaining legal aid for vulnerable groups. Students also shared their professional plans for the
future and exchanged views on the necessary skills and knowledge for successful professional activity. The participants of the meeting visited the university, got acquainted with its material and technical base and agreed to hold such meetings in the future and exchange useful information.