Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs is a modern higher education institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with a strong scientific, educational
and logistical base and glorious traditions, where a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical teaching staff teaches and educates young professionals.
The university provides education by state order and at the expense of individuals and legal entities: Faculty № 1 (investigation), Faculty № 2 (criminal police),
Faculty № 3 (preventive activities), Faculty № 4 (cyberpolice), Faculty № 5 (for employees of the National Police of Ukraine), Faculty № 6 provides training at the
expense of individuals and legal entities of students, including foreign citizens.
KhNUIA includes the Sumy branch and Kremenchuk Flight College.
The university has a preparatory department and a department of military training. The university has a modern material and technical base. For practical skills there
are training grounds, shooting complexes, laser multimedia shooting ranges, centers of correctional and psychodiagnostic activities. There are unique classrooms: a courtroom, a "green room" for providing psychological assistance to victims of violence, a legal clinic where cadets and students of the university provide free legal help to the population, and more.
Numerous sports sections, wrestling, gyms and sports halls, a summer multifunctional sports complex with playgrounds for gymnastic exercises, football, volleyball, basketball, there is an obstacle zone for graduates. The multifunctional complex "Dynamo-Arena", built according to modern European standards, allows conducting trainings, classes on special physical and tactical training, sports events, football matches, etc.
High professional level of training, the highest quality and modern training of cadets, students and trainees are decisive in the educational activities of Kharkiv
Police University.