The Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, General of Police of the Third Rank Valerii Sokurenko, met with students of specialization courses for
district police officers assigned to police stations of united territorial communities.

The event was attended by the Vice-Rector of the University, Colonel of Police Serhii Bortnyk, a representative of the Department of Community Relations of the
Department of Preventive Activities of the National Police of Ukraine, Lt. Col. Leonid Bezuglyi and the Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education Dmytro Kosinov.
Valerii Sokurenko noted: “Professional coaches, our international partners contribute to your training in every way so that you get the necessary knowledge and quality training. The university has a modern material and technical base. We have all the conditions for the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge, self-training, sports and recreation. There are training grounds, shooting complexes, laser multimedia shooting ranges, a multifunctional sports complex,
etc. to practice practical skills.”
In 2.5 months, students will master a special training course developed by Ukrainian and international law enforcement experts.
It must be recalled that on July 30, 2019, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted a presentation of the Community Police Officer project, which was
made possible by the cooperation of the National Police of Ukraine and international partners who provide support in the police reform process. The university hosted two graduates of the new world model, who perform their duties in almost all regions of our country.