Participant of the School of Scientific Leadership, the 1st year cadet of the Faculty № 1 of KhNUIA, Vladyslava Balera took part in the interactive online course "Marathon of the artist of communications".
The program of the 21-day marathon contained interesting tasks for the development of critical thinking in the analysis of information flow, useful skills
and abilities in the field of media literacy, prompted to think about modern technologies of mass consciousness manipulation.
The marathoners mastered and improved in practice their soft skills in performing the tasks they received every day. They learned how to identify fakes, analyze the media, identify hate language; got acquainted with the resources for checking photos and videos, understood the importance of their own pages in social media.
Receiving feedback from the organizers, Vladyslava Balera was able to analyze her own gaps in the field of media literacy. "The Communication Artist Marathon" provided its participants with the knowledge and skills that every conscious Ukrainian who understands the importance of the information space should have.