Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs graduated 28 students of the initial professional training courses for police officers of the Institute of Postgraduate
Education of KhNUIA, specializing in "criminal police", qualification "operative".
Certificates of successful completion of the training were solemnly handed over to the students by the Rector of the University, General of Police of the Third Rank
Valerii Sokurenko. Welcoming the graduates, he said: “You have gained knowledge and skills that will help you in your professional activities. Serve with dignity in the ranks of the National Police of Ukraine, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens! Always follow the law in your actions! Serve so that people will respect you and  God protects you! ”
The event was attended by the Vice-Rector of the University, Police Colonel Serhii Bortnyk, and representatives of the Institute of Postgraduate Education.