A solemn event dedicated to the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine and the 30th anniversary of the Independence of our state took place in Kremenchuk. The Director of the college Ruslan Yakovlev together with representatives of the city administration and Kremenchuk residents took part in honoring the memory of all
Ukrainians who fought for the independence and sovereignty of our state.
This year, the State Flag of Ukraine in Kremenchuk was raised for the first time next to the monument of the Great Kobzar, which is a sign of respect and recognition of the important role of the great artist in the formation of modern Ukraine. The yellow and blue flag was raised a year before the declaration of independence of Ukraine, in Kremenchuk on August 24, 1990. Kremenchuk was the first among the cities of left-bank Ukraine.
The participants of the event honored the memory of the great Kobzar and laid flowers at the foot of his monument. The event ended with a solemn march of military units of the Kremenchuk garrison.