On the eve of the 30th anniversary of Independence Day of Ukraine Department of Social and Humanitarian Work of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs prepared the opening of a historical and educational exhibition, which was created in 2019 by specialists of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory. The
presentation of the exhibition for cadets was conducted by the head of the North-Eastern interregional department of the institute Mariia Takhtaulova.
The exhibition is dedicated to famous Ukrainian figures of the XVIII-XX centuries. It presents their historical environment of followers. Their biographies are different, but all Ukrainian figures are united by a sincere desire to gain independence and the right to self-determination for their people.
The exhibition demonstrates an unusual, modern approach to presenting information. The authors of the exhibition tried to imagine what the profiles on social networks would look like, what places their Google map would show, who they would be friends with. At the same time, the exhibition tells about the difficult
choices faced by its heroes, about the positive and negative consequences of their key decisions.
 Together with the heroes of the exhibition, Vasyl Slipak, the star of Paris Opera, who volunteered to defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine and died from a
sniper bullet on June 29, 2016, became the personification of freedom and readiness to fight for it to the end. A bright "Cossack" photo reminds of the fifth
anniversary of the death of one of the modern fighters for the Independence of our state.
The exhibition is located in the lobby of the educational building 1/5 of the university and is expected for the independent acquaintance of the audience. We invite the university community to get acquainted with the materials of the exhibition.