Kyrylo Tyshchenko, a participant of the School of Scientific Leadership, a 1st year cadet of the Faculty №1 of KhNUIA, took part in the National Student Forum: Education, Leadership, Responsibility, which took place at the University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in Irpin, Kyiv region. The purpose of the Forum is to form a community of proactive and responsible leaders of student government, to create a unique environment for fruitful cooperation of students with representatives of universities, government and business.
During the Forum classes covered such thematic areas as economic literacy of society, environmental problems in Ukraine, new technologies for self-government at the university, sports development in Ukraine, the establishment of student government in a pandemic. Within the framework of the Forum, the participants were addressed by the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhii Shkarlet, Honored Artist of Ukraine, People's Artist of Ukraine, President of Kyiv University of Culture and Arts Mykhailo Poplavsky and other honored guests and speakers.