Today the aviation of the State Border Guard Service performs tasks of aerial monitoring of the border, territorial sea and the Ukrainian part of the waters.
In addition, it ensures the actions of state border protection units, the Marine Guard forces to prevent the penetration of sabotage and reconnaissance groups into the
territory of Ukraine, illegal armed groups and means of terror. Border aviation also performs certain tasks in the areas adjacent to the environmental protection zone
and the administrative border with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and carries out transport (sanitary) transportation to ensure the actions of border units.
Currently, the SBGS uses specialized patrol aircraft, medium transport helicopters, transport and medical helicopters, light helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles.
In general, border aviation consists of two separate aviation squadrons - Odesa and Kharkiv, as well as a number of units that perform tasks in the state border
guards for air monitoring.
Increasing the number of modern manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, preparing them for operation, including H125 Airbus light patrol helicopters, modernizing
the existing fleet of aircraft with optoelectronic systems, providing units based on aviation refuelers and vehicles for maintenance groups - this is not all. tasks for the
development of aviation of the State Border Guard Service in the near future.
Currently, in order to implement the Strategy of Integrated Border Management for the period up to 2025, the aviation fleet is being actively updated with modern
patrol aircraft. In particular, the implementation of the investment project under the intergovernmental agreement with the French Republic (ratified by the Law of
Ukraine dated 07.06.2018 522452-VIII), according to it in January 2020 has already received two light patrol helicopters H125 company "Airbus". By the end of 2021 it is planned to receive 10 planes, and in the next year 12 helicopters.
For their self-service, the staff of the Service undergoes appropriate training in France. To date, more than three dozen specialists have been trained - pilots,
technicians and avionics.
At the same time, since 2016, drones have been actively used in border protection.
In recent years, a departmental regulatory framework for the organization of the use of UAVs has been developed and a Training Center for the use and operation
of unmanned aerial systems has been established on the basis of the Main SBGS Personnel Training Center. On the basis of this Center, personnel are trained in the
organization and execution of UAV flights, admission of personnel to flights, combat coordination and annual inspections, organization of certification and state
registration of UAVs, technical operation of UAVs, etc.
In total, since the beginning of 2021, the piloted aircraft of the State Border Guard Service have patrolled 49.3 thousand km of the state border and surveyed 11.5
thousand km 2 of rear areas and monitored 120 thousand km 2 of the territorial sea and the EU. Also 21 offenses were recorded, 17 places of probable take-off /
landing of small aircraft were inspected. In addition, unmanned aerial vehicles patrolled 37.8 thousand km of the state border and surveyed 1.4 thousand km 2 of
rear areas. 36 offenses were recorded with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles.
Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs