On September 18, 2021, the "Night of Science in Kharkiv 2021" will be held at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. Deputy Head of the Educational and Methodological Department, Police Major Serhii Marchyshyn and Deputy Head of the Department of Scientific Activity Organization and Intellectual Property Protection – Head of the Department of Scientific Work Organization Liudmila Katsalap took part in the organizational meeting of the Kharkiv City Council on the event "Night of Science in Kharkiv 2021".

The meeting was held with the participation of Olha Demianenko, Director of the Department for Interaction with International Agencies and Financial Institutions.
"Night of Science in Kharkiv" has been held since 2013 and Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs from the first days is its active participant. This year 16 higher education institutions of Kharkiv joined the event.
During the event, university guests will receive information about university, meet with the leadership of the higher education institution, get acquainted with the
material and technical base of the university - visit the departments of tactical and special physical training, fire training, tactical town, sports halls and sports grounds, specialized classrooms and training grounds, get acquainted with the exhibition of weapons, etc.