On August 28, Ukraine hosted a patriotic race in athletics in memory of the fallen soldiers "I honor the soldiers, I run for the Heroes of Ukraine". This year the event
started in Sumy.
Each participant had to run a distance of three kilometers with the name of a warrior pinned on a T-shirt, who gave his life in the struggle for the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
The events began with the commemoration of the fallen defenders of the state with a moment of silence.
About 300 participants from Sumy region took part in the race. 2-year cadet of the Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Roman Tahanskyi, passed the distance for Oleksandr Tkachenko, a major of the militia who died in the East on July 11, 2014 while performing official duties in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
"For me, this race is not just a sports event"; says Roman Tahansky. "This is how I want to honor the memory of the deceased law enforcement officer Oleksandr Tkachenko and show that we, the younger generation, appreciate his feat and remembers him."
According to the results of the race, Roman took the 4th place.

Sumy branch of KhNUIA