It has become a good tradition during camp gathering as part of the weekend to organize an excursion to the first-year cadets of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs for Anton Chekhov Memorial House-Museum, which is located on the picturesque outskirts of Sumy - Lutzi.
"The Abbey and the Adriatic Sea are wonderful, but Luka and Psel are better" or "My whole soul is on Luka" - this is how the world-famous writer Anton Pavlovych Chekhov recalled his stay in Sumy region. The cadets, together with their commanders Yegor Pedosenko and Oleksandr Pavlik, crossed the threshold of the house and from the first minute felt the atmosphere of the last century and the hospitality of the friendly museum employee Ms. Daria, who led an interesting local history tour for an hour.
The cadets learned about history of stay of the famous playwright, writer Anton Chekhov in Sumy, where he lived with his family in the estate of the landowners Lintvarev in the summer of 1888-1889 and about his ties with Ukraine.
"Such excursions play an important role in the educational process," says Anna Mititel, a leading staffing specialist and tour organizer. "They expand a person's worldview, learn more about history of the city where the cadets will study, about prominent people who visited Sumy at different times, leaving their own memories and impressions."
The excursion was interesting, informative and very popular with young men and women, as evidenced by many photos.