Ivan Shkurat a School of scientific leadership member, a 2nd year cadet of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs faculty №1 took a course “Honest Country” on the integrity of civil servants, organized by the online education studio “Educational Hub of Kyiv”.
During the video course, the current problems of the civil servants activity were considered, namely the ethics of the civil servant, the main conflicts that may arise while working in the state structure.
The cadet learned what a conflict of interest is and when it occurs, considered the peculiarities of declaring and problematic aspects of declarations’ filling out. The acquired knowledge is extremely important in the police profession, because the integrity of law enforcement is the basis for public confidence increase in the police.
The “Educational Hub of the City of Kyiv” social innovation project is a structural subdivision of the “Educational Agency of the City of Kyiv” of the Kyiv city state administration, whose mission is to ensure the systematic implementation of the “Lifelong Learning” concept.