Lecturers of the cycle commission of natural sciences of Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Svitlana Hrybanova and Oksana Husarova took part in the webinar "Programming Scratch and Python: how to do it easily and interestingly".

The participants of the webinar discussed the implementation of Scratch in computer science classes, methods of its combination with other disciplines; when and how to start programming with Python: life hacks of interesting classes, organization of programming projects, etc.

Scratch is a visual programming environment in which an algorithm is created in blocks, like a constructor. This is a new style of learning that can motivate students to read literature, reflect and implement their ideas in the educational process.

The acquired knowledge will be developed in practical classes with education applicants, who will create projects in Scratch, will master the skills they will need for successful self-realization in the future.