The Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine was celebrated at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs with a sports holiday, in which the national teams of the faculties №№ 1–4 and 6 and the Institute of Postgraduate Education took part.The cadets, students and listeners of the university tested themselves in speed in the track and field relay, demonstrated strength and team spirit in tug of war and playing football.

The Rector of the university, Valerii Sokurenko, opened the sports holiday and congratulated its participants on the Day of Physical Culture and Sports. He wished all the teams victory and good mood. The Vice-rectors Serhii Bortnyk and Anatolii Klochko  also took part in the event. According to the results of the competition, winners and prize-winners in all types of sports program were determined: Athletics

 I place - faculty № 1

 II place - faculty № 3

ІІІ place - faculty № 4

IV place - faculty № 2

V place - Institute of Postgraduate Education

VI place - faculty № 6 

Tightening the rope

I place - faculty № 1

II place - the Institute of Postgraduate Education

ІІІ place - faculty № 4

IV place - faculty № 2

V place - faculty

№ 6 VI place - faculty № 3


I  place - faculty № 2

II place - faculty № 1

ІІІ place - faculty № 3

IV place - faculty № 4

V place - faculty № 6

VI place - Institute of Postgraduate Education

In general, all types of sports competitions places were distributed as follows: I place - faculty № 1

II place - faculty № 2

ІІІ place - faculty № 4

IV place - faculty № 3

V place - Institute of Postgraduate Education

VI place - faculty № 6

Participants of the competition were awarded diplomas and certificates of appropriate degrees. The winning team received a trophy and a diploma. The Rector congratulated the athletes and presented the awards.