At the initiative of the School of Scientific Leadership, presentation of international opportunities for cadets of the 2nd and 3rd courses of Faculty No. 1 of the KhNUIA took place.

The Head of the School of Scientific Leadership Vitaliі Naida noted in his opening remarks that in modern world, international youth exchange programs, international competitions and grants are gaining significant development.  The school staff is actively involved in such events both in a format of trips to foreign countries and online – from a computer or smartphone.

The Head of the Department of International Cooperation Olena Ustymenko emphasized the support of international exchanges by the university leadership, spoke about current opportunities for educational applicants, in particular, taking online courses on Cepol platform, participation in the Levitt Institute for International Development course "Critical Thinking and Advocacy as a Basis for a Free Society" and other opportunities.

Participants of the School of Scientific Leadership Mykyta Bielievtsov and Krystyna Koval spoke about their own experience of participating in programs "Bookmarks vs. Hatespeech" in Motich Lesny, Poland and "Learn about "Green Professions" in Reims, France.  Cadets described in detail the organizational conditions of the events, as well as unique emotions, impressions, knowledge, skills and acquaintances with foreign participants that they received during the participation in these programs.

During her speech, Natalia Rastorhuieva, a master's student of faculty No. 1, focused on the development of the debate movement at the university, including debates in a foreign language, current competitions in this field.

The Deputy Dean of Faculty No.1 on Teaching and Methodological Work, Vladyslav Neviadovskyi noted that the development of international activity of cadets is one of the priorities of the faculty. Vladyslav Neviadovskyi stressed that within the framework of the School of Scientific Leadership, cadets of the faculty take part in new all-Ukrainian and international events, offer new ideas in public area, and reach the international level of scientific activity.

PR Department of KhNUIA