The training camp for the first-year cadets of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs lasted for almost three weeks. During this time, boys and girls were adapted to the new conditions of study and living, got acquainted with the regulations governing the activities of the National Police, and received combat training.

"You passed the first step in your chosen profession of a policeman and got excellent ", - the director of Sumy branch of KhNUIA Serhii Lukash said, addressing freshmen.- None of you during this time complained that it is difficult for him. Keep it up! The profession you have chosen is not easy, but it is very necessary for people. Study, work on yourself, be persistent, and you will succeed! ”

The head of the camp meeting, the director of Sumy center of initial professional training "Police Academy" (Sumy) of Sumy branch of KhNUIA the Police Captain Alexander Minchenko noted: "The closing day of the camp meeting is always exciting, because from today your adult, independent path to professional development begins. Be inquisitive, proactive, disciplined, acquire new knowledge every day to become professionals!".

Sumy branch of KhNUIA