First-year cadets of the Faculty № 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the traditional literary competition "Perfect Ukrainian language as an important characteristic of a modern police officer professionalism". The purpose of the competition is to identify, support and stimulate the development of public speaking skills in cadets and promote their self-realization.

In the first round, the young speakers skillfully conveyed in the poetic word the beauty and infinity of human feelings, presenting their favorite poems. In the second round, participants demonstrated their public speaking skills by preparing their own essays on "Why a future police officer should know Ukrainian", "Why you should learn your native language all your life", "My favorite hero in the world literature", "I am a cadet! ". In these essays they expressed their own views on the knowledge and perfect command of the state language, stressed the importance of forming their language and speech competence, shared their impressions of the first days of cadet life.

According to the results of the competition, the jury consisting of Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Serhii Hirenko, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Professor Ihor Chornyi and Associate Professor Victoria Pertseva determined the winners. In the first round Svitlana Kobylinska won the first place, Anastasia Lavrenko and Victoria Dnytriva took the second place, Diana Ivashchenko and Kyrylo Rastkevych took the third place.

In the second round the first place was won by Kyrylo Rastkevych, the second place – by Svitlana Kobylinska, the third place – by Diana Ivashchenko.

All participants of the competition prepared wonderful performances, presenting moments of aesthetic pleasure. Representatives of the jury expressed hope that the cadets will continue to develop their public speaking skills and participate in scientific activities of the faculty and the university.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA