Serhiі Ablamskyі, Lіudmyla Katsalap, Kateryna Maravska, Yana Molchanova and Eduard Muzychuk from the research and intellectual property protection department took part in a series of webinars by the Clarivate. Within the framework of the events, the issues of fast and correct registration of the publication from the End Note, possibilities and functions of this reference manager were considered; new data, metrics and interface in Journal Citation Reports - an analytical tool based on the Web of Science Core Collection data, where you can analyze in detail the publications for which the Journal Impact Factor is calculated, as well as new and old features of the Web of Science Core Collection.

The speaker of the event was Clarivate Regional Solutions Consultant Iryna Tуkhonkova.

According to the results of the webinars, the participants received the appropriate certificates.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA