During the morning formation of the personnel of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, shoulder straps were handed over to the cadets who were awarded special promotion ranks of junior police.

Special rank "Police Corporal" was awarded to the following cadets of Faculty No. 1:

police private Yurii Aksonov;

police private Volodymyr Herasymenko;

police private ArtemIvakhnenko;

police private Olexander Kuzmin;

police private Dmytro Lupi;

police private Vitalii Mazur;

police private Tyhran Sarkhatov;

police private Danylo Sirenko;

police private Yehor Skurikhin;

police private Nikita Tiupalov;

police private Volodymyr Urban;

police private Valeria Farkhutdinova;

police private Mykyta Yakymenko;

police private Denys Furtas.

To the following cadets of Faculty No. 2:

police private Borys Dorofeev;

police private Andrii Dudarenko;

police private Daryna Zavrichko;

police private Artem Korobka;

police private Margaryta Makarenko;

police private Vadym Moskalets;

police private Mariia Polishchuk;

police private Dmytro Serkhovets;

police private Davyd Khizanashvili;

police private Serhii Cherkaskyi;

police private RuslanChubenko;

police private Vitalii Shakhn.

To the following cadets of FacultyNo. 4:

police private Mykola Bondar;

police private Roman Romaniv.

The Rector of the University, Police General of the Third Rank Valerii Sokurenko, handed over the shoulder straps and wished new achievements in study and service.

Also, the cup for the 1st place in the city competition "Young Man of the Year" was awarded to the cadet of the Faculty No. 4 Roman Romaniv. The competition is held with the aim of supporting gifted and talented youth, their significant achievements in various spheres of public life. The best young specialists are awarded in the nomination "Students (cadets) of higher educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation".

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA