An interactive meeting on the topic of "Responsibility begins with me" with specialists of the "Youth-Friendly Clinic" of Sumy City Council was organized for first-year cadets of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs as part of the lecture "Youth for a Healthy Lifestyle".

YFC Chief Physician Vladlena Kontsevych told the cadets about the specifics of the "Youth Friendly Clinic" of Sumy City Council and shared her impressions of her participation in the International Conference within the project "Education in the spirit of peace: Ukrainian youth builds dialogue." She noted that the international project is very important for Ukraine. Young people must have the knowledge, skills and support to realize their basic human rights. The project is implemented by the Center for Euroinitiatives in partnership with Fundacja IRSE (Poland), EduEra (Slovakia), Útilapu Hálózat - SCI Hungary (Hungary), Youth Peace Ambassadors Network.

YFC social educator Anna Kramar presented the interactive "Free conscious consent in situations related to sex" as an element of the training "Combating gender-based violence", using the video Tea consent "Women's health and family planning", voiced by Ukrainian NGOs "Women's Perspectives".

The organizer of the meeting, Hanna Mititel, a leading specialist of the staffing department branch, is convinced that such meetings help and help young people in higher education to be aware of the issues of forming and maintaining their health.


Sumy branch of KhNUIA