The fire safety training for a special permanent and alternating manpower of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs has been carried out successfully with the participation of the State Emergency Service units.

The main purpose of the event is the studying and efficiency check of the university manpower in a case of ceasing fire including following practice of liquidation any possible emergency with the assistance of SES units. According to the legend, commandant headquarters get informed about the fire in the dormitory room on the fifth floor. The commandant on duty called out the SES units and the
current university service unit was given a “Fire” command. Duty unit along with campus commandant, fire brigade and guard on the duty have evacuated the manpower, including students, out of the dormitory rooms. By arrival on the scene of the event, SES units have set machines and an articulated rift on the water sources, settled down the main fire circuit and fire-fighting lines. Students were
evacuated from the fifth floor window with the help of an articulated rift. Haze-covered rooms were observed by an executive of the Gas and Smoke Protection Service.

University principal, Police General of the Third Rank Valerii Sokurenko, while summing up the training has stated about the importance of providing and realization of fire-prevention safety events since its non-compliance threatens people's lives. 

After the training, the SES inspector instructed on actions in case of fire.
Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA