Advisor to the Rector Victor Slysh presented the Dean of the Faculty №2 Konstiantyn Harbuziuk as a gift to the Educational and Cultural Center named after  T. Shevchenko rare editions devoted to the Slobozhanshchyna culture development, published on the materials of the "Verbychenka" folk art and ethnographic group of the House of Children and Youth Creativity of Novovodolazkyi district.

According to Viktor Slysh, the books contain a selection of rare photographs and facts about the traditions and attire of Slobozhanshchyna Ukrainians in the early and first half of the 20th century, historical and ethnographic explorations of Ukrainian folklore.

Accepting the gift, Konstiantyn Harbuziuk sincerely thanked for the help in expanding the exposition of the center and noted that the new exhibits will take a worthy place in the collection, which is a part of the art exhibition.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA