The trainings for journalists at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, organized jointly with the Kharkiv Press Club, were completed. Addressing the participants of the training, the First Vice Rector of the university, Police Colonel Dmytro Shvets, noted that the quality of the work of the National Police determines the level of trust of citizens. No less important component of the work is the interaction with the media. "While at the university," said the First Vice Rector, "you saw what a modern material and technical base we have, what opportunities we have for quality training for the National Police of Ukraine, and also experienced some stages of training of our cadets. This includes marksmanship, tactical and special, medical training and much more". The head of the Kharkiv Press Club Liudmyla Dolia thanked the university staff for the interesting, rich and informative training, for the excellent trainers who conducted the classes and provided a lot of useful information, and expressed hope for further cooperation.

As a result of the training, the participants received certificates and first aid kits for their editorial offices.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA