Binary classes are actively used by teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 1. Lecturer of the Department Anna Babak and Senior Lecturer Natalia Krasnova invited to the classes an Investigator of PD № 2 of Kamianskyi MDNP in Dnipropetrovsk region Police Lieutenant Serhii Buriak, who shared with the cadets of the group 101 of the Faculty № 2 experience in applying practical and theoretical knowledge acquired at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The topic of the lesson was interesting and useful for all who were present, as they considered the interaction of investigators, operational units and other government agencies during the investigation of theft of personal property of passengers committed on the railway transport of Ukraine.

Particular attention was paid to the importance of legal terminology in various legal systems and the psychological features of communication with witnesses. In the process of communicating in English there were many questions, the cadets were interested in the topic of the lesson.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA