The Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs traditionally hosted the sports contest "Starts of Hope" among first-year students, dedicated to the Day of Physical Culture and Sports. The event was organized and conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities Tetiana Bilous.

Tetiana Antypenko, a master of international sports, a participant of four Winter Olympics, a multiple winner of the European and Ukrainian cross-country skiing championships, a physical education lector at the Sumy Secondary School of I-III grades № 6, was invited to the sports event and wished students strength, endurance and sportsmanship.

After the competition, the winners of the sports contest "Start of Hope" were determined, namely: Dmytro Pylypenko and Anhelina Yevlanova, who received diplomas and souvenirs.

The Sumy branch of KhNUIA