Polina Suslova, Head of the Center for Social Projects of the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty № 1 cadet of the 2nd year of the Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part and made a presentation at the forum of graduates of the municipal course "School of Social Design and Grant Writing Open Grants School” which is successively implemented for 5 years in a row by the Department of Innovative Development and Image Projects of the Kharkiv City Council.

During the forum, its participants were offered leadership training, useful life hacks for project managers and personal consultations from the speakers of the School. Graduates of the municipal course shared their success stories, told about bright and useful projects that are created and implemented with the help of funds raised from grant programs, and actively discussed joint plans for the future. Vitalii Naida, the head of the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty 1, who graduated from the Open Grants School in 2019, also shared his success story.

Polina Suslova presented to the leading Kharkiv public organizations the activities of the School of Scientific Leadership, initiatives which are currently implemented by the Center for Social Projects, including the participation of cadets in the search for missing people, archeological excavations in cooperation with the Union of Search Detachments, environmental and educational campaigns, volunteer work in PU "Center for the treatment of animals", as well as the activities of integrity patrols to draw links to Internet channels for drugs sale.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA