Participants of the School of Scientific Leadership, cadets of the 3rd year of the Faculty №1 of KhNUIA Dariia Sulima and Andrii Topchii took part in a workshop for graduates of higher legal education and young lawyers on the topic ''Practical cases of defense in criminal cases''.
The event was organized by Kharkiv branch of the Student League of the Association of Workers of Ukraine and the Regional Office of the Youth Committee of NAAU UNBA NextGen in Kharkiv region with the assistance of the Head of the Bar Council of the region.
During the workshop, participants learned about various aspects and nuances of advocacy in criminal cases, gave them practical advice on developing analytical thinking and improving knowledge of the regulatory framework.
Lawyer Dmytro Tsyplitskyi told about the necessary knowledge, skills and techniques in the activity of a lawyer using examples of court decisions from his own experience. These questions are especially relevant for future investigators who interact with defense attorneys during their practical activities.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA