On the eve of the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries, the scientific library of the university received a gift from the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, headed by the Doctor of Law, Professor, honored worker of Education of Ukraine Olexii Lytvynov, including:

Lytvynov O.M. Criminology of "its" time: scientific research / O.M. Lytvynov, Yu. V. Orlov; Criminological association of Ukraine. - Kharkiv: Pravo, 2021. - 316 p.

Large Ukrainian criminological encyclopedia. In 2 vols. Vol. 2: M-I / editor: V.V. Sokurenko (chairman), O.M. Bandurka (co-chairman), et al.; Edited by. O.M. Lytvynov. - Kharkiv: Fakt, 2021. - 870 p.

The books will be useful for scientists, practitioners, public administration specialists, teachers, cadets, students and a wide range of readers interested in criminological issues.

The scientific library invites the university community to get acquainted with the publications.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA