Representatives of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty № 3 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs conducted career guidance work during the training "Jura-Police", organized by the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kherson region in the children's sanatorium "Seagull" in Lazurne, Skadovsk region . The event was held as part of the All-Ukrainian Children's and Youth Military-Patriotic Game "Pokrovskyi Gart", the purpose of which is national-patriotic and spiritual education of youth on the ideas of Cossack traditions, as well as active social position of children and healthy lifestyle.

The children got acquainted with the work of the police, because the program of the event was quite rich: demonstrations of special police officers "KORD", cynologists and their four-legged wards, master classes on hand-to-hand combat and self-defense, as well as home care. In addition, the police demonstrated an exhibition of modern weapons and equipment of various police units used during special operations, and explosives experts warned young people about the dangers of explosives.

The boys and girls felt like real policemen, driving a company car, trying on bulletproof vests and protective helmets. And for those who plan to link their lives with law enforcement in the future, representatives of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty № 3 have prepared information materials on the conditions of admission to Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA