Associate Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement Activity and Policeistics of the Faculty № 6 Mykola Holub together with Serhii Izotov, the Deputy chief of the department of precinct police officers  of MDNP in Kharkiv region, Police Lieutenant Colonel and also with the community police officer, senior police lieutenant Andrii Shapovalov, held a binary lecture on “Organization of the activities of district police officers. Project "Community Police Officer" is for students of the faculty № 6 (study groups F-6-PDdsr-19-1, F-6-PDdsr-19-2, F-6-PDdsr-19-3, F-6-PDdsr-19-3 -19-4, F-6-PDdsr-19-5, F-6-PDdsr-19-6).

Serhii Izotov spoke about the main tasks, functions, legal regulation, organization and planning of the work of district police officers, the importance of this service in ensuring public order and security in the assigned territory.

Andrii Shapovalov informed the students about the peculiarities of the activities of district police officers in rural areas, the main provisions of the project "Community Police Officer".

Involvement of practical employees of the Department of Preventive Activities of the MDNP of Ukraine in Kharkiv region increases the relevance of the educational process, fills it with practical content, which is positively perceived by students.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA