The meeting of the scientific club of the Department of Law-Enforcement and Policeistics of faculty No. 6 was held. The meeting was attended by students, Head of the Department of Law Enforcement Iryna Panova, Head of the scientific club, Associate Professor of the Department of Law-Enforcement and Policeistics of Faculty No 6 Victoriia Melnyk and specialists of the department of organization of scientific activity and protection of intellectual property.
The meeting was devoted to organizational issues of the scientific group. During the meeting, new members of the club were approved, the secretary and the monitor were elected. The head of the scientific group acquainted students with the ''Regulations on the work of scientific circles of cadets and students''. Students were acquainted with the plan of work in the scientific group for the 2021/2022 academic year. Also, Specialists of the Department of Organization Scientific Activity and Intellectual Property Protection also informed the members of the scientific circle about the observance of academic integrity in writing scientific papers and familiarized with the provisions on academic integrity and plagiarism testing, with the principles of verification on the Unichek program.

Head of the Department of Organization Scientific Activity and Intellectual Property Protection Serhii Ablamskyi invited students to participate in the Scientific Society of students, cadets, students, postgraduates, adjuncts, doctoral students.
The Head of the Department Iryna Panova drew the attention of the members of the scientific club to up-to-date topics for writing scientific papers and the basic rules of their publication.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA