The responsible for academic integrity of Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, candidate of economic sciences Maryna Petchenko and representatives of the cadet-student self-government of the college Dmytro Khodin and Oleksii Maigur took part in international webinar on the topic "Spartans of Science: an intervention of academic integrity". The event was held within the project "Initiative of Academic Integrity and Quality of Education" administered by the American Councils.


The speakers of the webinar were: a specialist on academic integrity in the Dean's Office for Work with Students Michigan State University Jake Casper and New Student Program Coordinator at the New Student and Family Program Office Temple University Brandon Arnold.


During the webinar, the speakers shared the practical experience of the University of Michigan and the University of Temple in creating unique models of academic integrity and evaluation. They focused on the elements of these systems that can be implemented on the basis of higher education, as well as courses on academic integrity and what aspects are best included in the content of such courses.

The acquired knowledge will be used in events to promote academic integrity in the college.