Associate Professor of the Humanities Department, Sumy Branch, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Tetiana Bilous took part in the webinar "How to stop worrying and start publishing".

At the webinar Olha Bilenka, Head of the Antiplagiarism Training Center “Antiplagiat”  made a report "Author and Antiplagiarism: From Love to Hate… " and Iryna Tikhonkova, Clarivate Regional Solutions Consultant made a presentation "Publication Activity: Faster, Higher, Stronger".

The participants of the event acquainted with the formal and informal approaches of editors to check for borrowing, how the system "Antiplagiarism" works and the indicators "Citation" and "Self-citation" are calculated. Absolute and normal indicators were also considered: citation rate, impact factor, Journal Citation Indicator (JCI), quartile, Hirsch index, beamplot, what they depend on and where to look at them.

Sumy branch of KhNUA