As part of the Debate Club of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty №1 master's student Nataliia Rastorhuieva and the 2nd year student Krystyna Koval took part in an international online workshop on debate tabbing with the Kazakhstan Debate Club “Nomad”
(kaz. “Nomad”) of Nazarbayev University (Nazarbayev University Debate Club Nomad). The speaker of the event was an experienced debater from Astana Altynai Abdizhamil.

During the workshop, participants learned about the main components of tabbing, principles and electronic tab systems. During the event, the work of the program “Tabbycat” was demonstrated, some aspects of the setup and operation of the program were explained. The organizers talked about the important points that should be taken into account during the debate tabbing, about the features of calculating the results of debate rounds and data processing by placing them in the appropriate tables according to certain criteria, which facilitates their statistical analysis.

Tabbing is one of the important parts of organizing a debate tournament. The purpose of tabbing is to summarize in order to provide an orderly presentation of a significant amount of information, which allows viewers to draw sound conclusions.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA