On the Day of Defenders and Defendersses of Ukraine  — the national holiday of Ukraine, which is celebrated on October 14, at the same time as the feasts of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks, the Scientific Library of the University presents an expanded book and illustrative exposition "Ukraine from Cossack times to the present".

Since ancient times, the Virgin is the patroness of the Ukrainian Cossacks and all Ukrainian armed formations. The Scientific Library of the University provides an opportunity for the university community to touch the events of that time and evaluate the contribution of the Cossacks to the formation and development of our state. Cossack glory echoes modernity, and some sections of the exposition are dedicated to modern defenders and defenders of our motherland – Ukrainian heroes and heroines, those who protect us, Ukraine and its territorial integrity. On October 14, we all honor the courage and heroism of these people and thank you for the peaceful sky above our heads.

The University Library invites the university community to visit the exposition.

PR Department of KhNUIA