Valentyna Syvolozhska, a teacher of the cycle commission for aircraft maintenance of Kremenchug Flight College of KhNUIA, held a round table ''KLK Youth for a Healthy Lifestyle!'' on the topic ''Rational eating the basis of a normal metabolism'', dedicated of healthy food to young people, the value of the quality of drinking
water for the preservation of healthy people and a negative influx on the organism of people inappropriate food products.

The event was attended by applicants for higher education in the specialty ''Maintenance of fuels and lubricants''. The cadets prepared reports on the history and discovery of vitamins, their importance and
necessity of use.
Tetyan Skakun, a doctor-therapist of the medical and sanitary department of Kremenchuk Flight College of KNUIA, took part in the meeting and told about the daily routine, quality food, the impact of vitamins on the human body. Tatiana Skakun answered a lot of questions from young people.