The Scientific Library of KhNUIA invites everyone to get acquainted with the book-illustrated exposition dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of prose writer, poet, translator, playwright, statesman and public figure Ivan Fedorovych Drach.

In 1976, Ivan Drach received the State Prize of the USSR by Taras Shevchenko for a collection of poems "Root and Crown". He worked in the newspapers "Literary Ukraine" and "Batkivshchyna", as well as at the film studio  named after O.P. Dovzhenko.

Drach's works have been translated into Russian, Belarusian, Azerbaijani, Latvian, Moldovan, Polish, Czech, German and other languages.

The exposition presents poetic collections of Ivan Fedorovich "To the origins", "Kyiv sky" and others.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA