The activity of the Center for Academic Writing of Sumy branch of KhNUIA began with the information hour “Academic Integrity. Code of Honor” for the 1st year students. The head of the library Svitlana Hryhorieva announced the increase of attention to the academic culture, which presupposes, first of all, observance of the principle of academic integrity. The Head of the library also acquainted the audience with the Code of Integrity, which must be followed in writing your own research while studying at the university.

Professor of the Department of Humanities,the head of the Center for Academic Writing of Sumy branch Nadiia Demydenko noted that the term “academic writing” should be understood as the activities of a researcher to create scientific or educational texts. One of the leading foundations of academic writing is scientific ethics, the main principle of which remains the differentiation of one's own and someone else's thoughts. When organizing research work, it is also necessary to comply with the relevant requirements for the design of citations and references, established standards for the compilation of bibliographic lists of literature.

Concluding the meeting, Nadiia Demydenko said that the next lesson of the Center for Academic Writing will be devoted to the topic “Academic writing as one of the types of scientific (academic) communication”.

Sumy branch of KhNUIA