The second-year cadets of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the game “Lasertag”, which was held before the Day of Defender of Ukraine among the teams of higher education institutions and youth of Sumy. The event was organized by the Youth Leisure Center of Sumy City Council.
After a two-hour game, the branch teams won the following prizes:
 the “Military” team consisting of cadets Semen Bilokobylenko, Ivan Andriichenko, Oleksandr Khomenko and police captain Mykola Siroshtan took the second place;
 the “Ragnarok” team of cadets Maksym Korotenko, Maksym Borysiuk, Yevhen Tarasenko and police captain Heorhii Torianyk won the third place.
The winners received citation, incentive gifts and sweets. The staff of Sumy branch congratulates the cadets and wishes them further success and new victories.
Sumy branch of KhNUIA