For the fourth-year full-time students of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs in the specialty "Law" and second-year students of the correspondence course in the specialty "Finance, Banking and Insurance", a joint field lesson was held in the discipline "Commercial Law" and "Tax Management" in Commercial Court of Kharkiv region. The event was attended by the representatives of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of Faculty № 6 Associate Professors of the Department, Candidates of Legal science Iryna Vasylko, Iryna Siadrysta and Professor of Department Doctor of Legal science Alina Chorna.

Oleksandr Poliakov told future lawyers about peculiarities of consideration of cases in the commercial court, and also focused on structure and changes taking place in the judicial system of Ukraine. He explained features of innovative program of special training of candidates for a position of a judge, where he personally participated. He acquainted with cases of commercial courts, judicial system of Ukraine, with organization of court, its structure,main functionality of each department.

Chief of Staff of Commercial Court of Kharkiv region paid special attention to functioning of electronic Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System (ESITS) in Ukraine, State Judicial Administration of Ukraine draws attention to that with the beginning of functioning of subsystems (modules) of (ESITS) lawyers, notaries, private executors, arbitration managers, judicial experts, state bodies, local self-government bodies and economic entities of the state and communal sectors of economy register official e-mail addresses in ESITS on a mandatory basis.

University students also got acquainted with court premises, work of office, accounting, archives, organization of judicial institution, procedure of court proceedings, recording of trial, work and responsibilities of court staff. They visited Museum of Economic Justice, where they saw copies of archival documents of 1920s years, photographs of history of Commercial Court of Kharkiv region of different times, honors and awards of judicial system of Ukraine and other exhibits of the museum.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA