On the occasion of the Day of Defenders and Defendersses of Ukraine, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of KhNUIA organized an exhibition "Warriors. History of Ukrainian Army", which was provided by Kharkiv Historical Museum named after M.F. Sumtsov.

The Vice-Rector of the University Anatolii Klochko opened the exposition. He noted that the peculiarity of this year's celebration was the expansion of the name of the holiday, which now officially includes the female half of the defenders of our motherland.The celebration of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine is a real national historical tradition from Cossack times. Its restoration was another important step towards the return of its own cultural traditions. True Cossacks, known in European countries unsurpassed courage and courage, original military talent, never lost the honor and loyalty of the oath.

The exhibition is a continuation of the informational and educational project "Warrior. History of the Ukrainian Army", developed by specialists of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance. It consists of 12 stories about the history of military formations in Ukraine from the times of Kyivan Rus' to the present and is designed for independent acquaintance, so we invite everyone to get acquainted with its materials in the coming weeks.

The exhibition is located in the lobby of the building 1/5 and is available for viewing at any time.

Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines