Associate professor of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Expertise and Pre-Medical Training of the Faculty №1 of KhNUIA, Lieutenant Colonel Vasyl Kornienko took an online training course “Anti-Money Laundering (European Experience)” and “Anti-Cyber Threats”, which lasted three weeks on the CEPOLLEED platform (European Union Agency for Training for Law Enforcement). The courses were conducted in English and covered about 80 participants from different European countries.

The course program was quite rich and interesting both theoretically and practically. Each training topic was accompanied by a mandatory discussion at the forum, exchange of views, quizzes and completion of practical situational tasks.

In the area of ​​combating money laundering of criminal origin, the training was full of materials on the use of anonymous web resources and cryptocurrencies. Very interesting is the experience of European law enforcement agencies, which demonstrated methods and means of gathering evidence of suspicious transactions using official and underground banking (webmoney, cryptocurrency). It was about the widespread use of OSINT and HUMINT tools – open source intelligence (social networks, media reports, analytical accounting services, search, identification, etc.). These methods of searching for information, by the way, are very common among Western law enforcement and have proven their effectiveness. Equally interesting is the experience of cooperation between criminal investigation services and financial investigations, which jointly identify the sources of criminal income, its conversion, placement and legalization, using the algorithms of financial analysis and intelligence.

The experience gained and the downloaded material from the courses will definitely be the subject of scientific research and implementation in the educational process.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA